Slot: at_location

Associate the subject with a location. This can be a geographic place, or a place in a directory, or table.

URI: dlspatial:at_location

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Organization A social or legal instititution such as a company, a society, or a university no
SoftwareAgent Running software no
Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or w... no
Person Person agents are people, alive, dead, or fictional no
Agent Something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self dlspatial:at_location
native dex:at_location
exact prov:atLocation

LinkML Source

name: at_location
description: Associate the subject with a location. This can be a geographic place,
  or a place in a directory, or table.
- prov:atLocation
rank: 1000
slot_uri: dlspatial:at_location
alias: at_location
- Agent
- Activity
range: Location
multivalued: false
inlined: false