Slot: roles

Describes the function of an entity or agent (object) within the scope of a Relationship with the subject.

URI: dlroles:roles

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Relationship An association class for characterizing the relation between two things with ... yes
IndexedResourcePartOf An association class for attaching an index locator as additional informati... no
IndexedResourcePart An association class for attaching an index locator as additional informati... no
IndexedResourceRelationship An association class for attaching a name as additional information to a `h... no


  • Range: Role

  • Multivalued: True

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self dlroles:roles
native dlres:roles
exact prov:hadRole, dcat:had_role

LinkML Source

name: roles
description: Describes the function of an entity or agent (object) within the scope
  of a `Relationship` with the subject.
- prov:hadRole
- dcat:had_role
rank: 1000
slot_uri: dlroles:roles
alias: roles
- IndexedResourceRelationship
- Relationship
range: Role
multivalued: true
inlined: false