Slot: relations

Declares an unqualified relation of the subject Thing to another Thing. This schema slot is used to define related things inline. If such a definition is not needed. A qualified relationship can be declared directly using the characterized_by slot.

URI: dlthings:relation

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
InstantaneousEvent A moment of a transition from one particular state of the world to another no
Resource A consumable, often quantifiable entity, typically made available by a single... no
Location A location can be an identifiable geographic place (ISO 19112), but it can al... no
ValueSpecification A Thing that is a value of some kind no
Grant A grant, typically financial or otherwise quantifiable, of resources no
Agent Something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place... no
Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or w... no
Dataset A collection of data, published or curated by a single agent no
Thing The most basic, identifiable item yes
SoftwareAgent Running software no
Instrument A thing that enables an agent to perform an action no
Entity A physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspec... no
Property An RDF property, a Thing used to define a predicate, for example in a `St... no
Role A role is the function of a resource or agent with respect to a subject, in t... no


  • Range: Thing

  • Multivalued: True

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self dlthings:relation
native dlres:relations
exact dcat:relation, dcterms:relation

LinkML Source

name: relations
description: Declares an unqualified relation of the subject `Thing` to another `Thing`.
  This schema slot is used to define related things inline. If such a definition is
  not needed. A qualified relationship can be declared directly using the `characterized_by`
- dcat:relation
- dcterms:relation
rank: 1000
domain: Thing
slot_uri: dlthings:relation
alias: relations
- Thing
symmetric: true
relational_role: OBJECT
range: Thing
multivalued: true
inlined: true
inlined_as_list: false