Slot: roles

Describes the function of an entity or agent (object) within the scope of a Relationship with the subject.

URI: dlroles:roles

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Relationship An association class for characterizing the relation between two things with ... yes
IndexedResourceRelationship An association class for attaching a name as additional information to a `h... no
IndexedResourcePart An association class for attaching an index locator as additional informati... no
IndexedResourcePartOf An association class for attaching an index locator as additional informati... no


  • Range: Role

  • Multivalued: True

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self dlroles:roles
native dlpubs:roles
exact prov:hadRole, dcat:had_role

LinkML Source

name: roles
description: Describes the function of an entity or agent (object) within the scope
  of a `Relationship` with the subject.
- prov:hadRole
- dcat:had_role
rank: 1000
slot_uri: dlroles:roles
alias: roles
- Relationship
- IndexedResourceRelationship
range: Role
multivalued: true
inlined: false