Slot: type

State that the subject is an instance of a particular RDF class. Typically, no explicit value needs to be assigned to this slot, because it matches the class type of a particular record. However, this slots can be used as a type designator of a schema element for validation and schema structure handling purposes. This is used to indicate specialized schema classes for properties that accept a hierarchy of classes as their range.

URI: rdf:type

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
IssuedIdentifier An identifier that was issued by a particular agent with a notation that has ... no
Checksum A Checksum is a value that allows to check the integrity of the contents of a... no
Location A location can be an identifiable geographic place (ISO 19112), but it can al... no
Thing The most basic, identifiable item no
Role A role is the function of a resource or agent with respect to a subject, in t... no
InstantaneousEvent A moment of a transition from one particular state of the world to another no
AttributeSpecification An attribute is conceptually a thing, but it requires no dedicated identifier... no
DOI Digital Object Identifier (DOI; ISO 26324), an identifier system governed by ... no
ThingMixin Mix-in with the common interface of Thing and AttributeSpecification no
Property An RDF property, a Thing used to define a predicate, for example in a `St... no
ComputedIdentifier An identifier that has been derived from information on the identified entity no
Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or w... no
Entity A physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspec... no
Agent Something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place... no
SoftwareAgent Running software no
Identifier An identifier is a label that uniquely identifies an item in a particular con... no
ValueSpecification A Thing that is a value of some kind no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self rdf:type
native dlprov:type
exact dcterms:type

LinkML Source

name: type
description: State that the subject is an instance of a particular RDF class. Typically,
  no explicit value needs to be assigned to this slot, because it matches the class
  type of a particular record. However, this slots can be used as a type designator
  of a schema element for validation and schema structure handling purposes. This
  is used to indicate specialized schema classes for properties that accept a hierarchy
  of classes as their range.
- dcterms:type
rank: 1000
slot_uri: rdf:type
designates_type: true
alias: type
- ThingMixin
- Identifier
range: NodeUriOrCurie