Schema for a generic data provenance

This schema builds on the Thing schema, and diversifies it to capture the key provenance concepts Agent, Activity, Entity and their relationships. It does that by drawing on (a subset) of the PROV data model PROV-DM.

Central paradigm of the schema is the qualified relation pattern. The three Thing derived key concepts Agent, Activity, and Entity each provide a relation (symmetric property) slot for inline declaration of related things. This relation slot is also the only slots that permits inline declaration. A relationship can be further characterized by referencing a Thing by its object identifier in slots like was_attributed_to (for an Agent). Full relation qualification is supported via inline declaration of Influence (derived) class instances in slots like

  • qualified_relation: for an EntityInfluence on an Entity
  • qualified_association: for an AgentInfluence on an Activity
  • qualified_attribution: for an AgentInfluence on an Entity

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Name: prov-schema

Schema Diagram

erDiagram Activity { W3CISO8601 ended_at uriorcurie id uriorcurieList conforms_to string description uriorcurieList is_about uriorcurie meta_type string name uriorcurieList same_as string title uriorcurie type } Agent { uriorcurie id uriorcurieList conforms_to string description uriorcurieList is_about uriorcurie meta_type string name uriorcurieList same_as string title uriorcurie type } Entity { uriorcurie id uriorcurieList conforms_to string description uriorcurieList is_about uriorcurie meta_type string name uriorcurieList same_as string title uriorcurie type } Influence { string influencer } AgentInfluence { string influencer } Attribution { string influencer } EntityInfluence { uriorcurie meta_type string influencer } Derivation { uriorcurie had_activity uriorcurie meta_type string influencer } Role { uriorcurie id } Thing { uriorcurie id uriorcurieList conforms_to string description uriorcurieList is_about uriorcurie meta_type string name uriorcurieList same_as string title uriorcurie type } Identifier { string notation } Characteristic { string description uriorcurie is_defined_by string name string title uriorcurie type uriorcurie range string value } Property { uriorcurie meta_type string description uriorcurie is_defined_by string name string title uriorcurie type uriorcurie range string value } QuantitativeProperty { uriorcurie unit uriorcurie meta_type string description uriorcurie is_defined_by string name string title uriorcurie type uriorcurie range string value } Activity ||--}o AgentInfluence : "qualified_association" Activity ||--}o Thing : "relation" Activity ||--}o Agent : "was_associated_with" Activity ||--}o Activity : "was_informed_by" Activity ||--}o Identifier : "identifier" Activity ||--}o Property : "has_property" Agent ||--}o Thing : "relation" Agent ||--}o Identifier : "identifier" Agent ||--}o Property : "has_property" Entity ||--}o Attribution : "qualified_attribution" Entity ||--}o Derivation : "qualified_derivation" Entity ||--}o EntityInfluence : "qualified_relation" Entity ||--}o Thing : "relation" Entity ||--}o Agent : "was_attributed_to" Entity ||--}o Entity : "was_derived_from" Entity ||--}o Activity : "was_generated_by" Entity ||--}o Identifier : "identifier" Entity ||--}o Property : "has_property" Influence ||--}| Role : "had_role" AgentInfluence ||--|| Agent : "agent" AgentInfluence ||--}| Role : "had_role" Attribution ||--|| Agent : "agent" Attribution ||--}| Role : "had_role" EntityInfluence ||--}| Entity : "entity" EntityInfluence ||--}| Role : "had_role" Derivation ||--}| Entity : "entity" Derivation ||--}| Role : "had_role" Thing ||--}o Identifier : "identifier" Thing ||--}o Property : "has_property" Identifier ||--|o Thing : "schema_agency"


Class Description
Characteristic An inherent quality, function, disposition or process characteristic.
        Property An inherent quality, function, disposition or process characteristic that is being observed or measured.
                QuantitativeProperty An inherent quantitative property that is being observed or measured.
Identifier Identifier.
Influence Capacity of an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another.
        AgentInfluence Capacity of an agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another Entity, Agent, or Activity
                Attribution Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent.
        EntityInfluence Capacity of an entity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another.
                Derivation Transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.
Role A role is the function of a resource or agent with respect to another resource, in the context of resource attribution or resource relationships.
Thing The most basic item.
        Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.
        Agent Something that bears some form of responsibility for an activity taking place, for the existence of an entity, or for another agent's activity.
        Entity A physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspects; entities may be real or imaginary.


Slot Description
agent References an agent which influenced an entity
conforms_to An established standard to which the subject conforms
description A free-text account of the thing
ended_at End is when an activity is deemed to have been ended by an entity, known as t...
entity References an entity which influenced an entity
had_activity The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource
had_role The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource
has_property Relation between a subject and a quality, capability or role that it bears
id Globally unique identifier of a metadata object
identifier An unambiguous reference to the subject within a given context
influencer Reference the resource (Entity, Agent, or Activity) whose influence is being ...
is_about A relation of an information artifact to a thing
is_defined_by The definition of the subject thing
meta_type Type designator of a metadata object for validation and schema structure hand...
name Name of a thing
notation String of characters such as "T58:5" or "30:4833" used to uniquely identify a...
qualified_association Assignment of responsibility to an agent for an activity, indicating that the...
qualified_attribution Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent
qualified_derivation A transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting ...
qualified_relation Characterizes the relationship or role of an entity with respect to the subje...
range State that the values of a property are instances of a class
relation The subject has a relation to the object
same_as Property that determines that subject and object are equal
schema_agency Name of the agency that issued an identifier
title A summarily description of a thing
type State that the subject is an instance of a class
unit A unit of measurement is a standardized quantity of a physical quality
value Value of a thing
was_associated_with An activity association is an assignment of responsibility to an agent for an...
was_attributed_to Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent
was_derived_from Derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an ent...
was_generated_by Generation is the completion of production of a new entity by an activity
was_influenced_by The object had an effect on the character, development, or behavior of the su...
was_informed_by Communication is the exchange of an entity by two activities, one activity us...


Enumeration Description


Type Description
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE
W3CISO8601 W3C variant/subset of IS08601 for specifying date(times)


Subset Description